Sunday, September 16, 2007

Family picture

I love this picture of us. It's September and I am learning fast to understand what my parents are both telling me (although they don't always know). I can now come down the stairs on my own. I love to be tickled and it's great fun just before bedtime on my parents bed - I laugh so much.

Christening - part II

There is more on the Christening... The moment before and after - a very friendly priest who took not much notice of Florian and I running around the chapel and Florian's banging on the radiator... But at the required moments, I was very well behaved.
I loved all the food and decorations. Here I am cutting my Christening cake.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Christening - part I

The number of people just kept growing at my Christening. I had loads of fun - a very happy time and Mama and Papa with lots of help from Grandma and " Teepah" in the garden and Tia Claudia, Auntie Vicky for the cooking and baby sitting.

Thank you all for coming and for all the gifts and for all the fun.

Where am I in this photo? I think I ran away as I'd had enough of posing all day...:-)