Sunday, January 11, 2009


Snowing in Brussels - a lot! Look at my big grin - I am sooooo happy - I made a wonderful snowman with papá and papá wrote my name in the snow in front of the snowman so that the birds and planes can read it. I love to make my own stories playing with my toys. I love to make 'faces' and dramatic postures for photos - look at me here in the garden :-)

Saturday, January 03, 2009


Here we all are - and it has stopped raining for long enough to take the photo. I had laods of fun - I wrote a letter to Pai Natal and posted it...I saw more than 100 dolls of Pai Natal...we walked through the "Nutcracker" play area where I went on the bouncy castle (scarey) and met Pai Natal twice, once with his green elf helper - if they are not looking I go up to them and tap them to turn around, shake their hand and sit on their knee. We also watched a play on the "Nutcracker" - very funny and I liked a girl so I run up onto the stage afterwards to join in the dancing :-)