Sunday, December 28, 2008

Having fun in Trás-os-montes

Yes, we found snow in Trás-os-Montes and saw a lot of great colourful masks and costumes. We climbed the castle up and up and then had to rush down and down to go to the toilet :-). We had hot chocolate in a 'celtic bar' down the road on the left.

We had lunch in Vila Real, just behind where I am standing- yummy...
Yes, Yes I will throw this snow on you...I am coming....

Friday, December 26, 2008

Xmas in Porto

I love Pai Natal and I am singing songs. I love Christmas Mickey DVD - I know all the stories.
Yes, bang bang bang as we pulled the 'crackers' and tried to eat some very heavy sweets from english christmas.
Who are those two Father Christmas helpers - they came on a motorbike very late at night. Tomás looks just as surprised as me. I loved all my presents especially my noddy car, fire engine and plod police car. We had a big party at the house of  Isabel and Quim in Vale de Cambra on Christmas Eve and another one on Christmas Day (after opening another big bag of presents). Big hugs and kisses.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Xmas

Merry Christmas to you all and Best Wishes for 2009

Wow this was an exciting day...I played on a very large bouncy castle and then I got to sit on the knee of Father Christmas and shake his hand, all in the centre of Porto.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Blitz trip to Porto

Mamã and papá are off to Galicia Spain for the beautiful wedding of Miguel Grillo and Felisa - CONGRATULATIONS.
I was soooo happy to see mamã and papá at Porto airport when it was time to leave - I thought they had left me behind.

Here I am at beach of Quinta Da Mar - waving of course and trying not to get my feet wet, well you think this but mamã and papá lfted me up to stop me wanting to get my feet wet and jump in the sand. I love playing along hee, even when it's cold.


Thursday, December 04, 2008

St Nicholas

St Nicholas party at mamã and papá's work. This year I had my FIRST face painting. I waited patiently and was very still. I was very proud of my "lion face".
I cried again when I sat on St. Nicholas lap - my present was "abrickpol" - police station building block with a helicopter.
I have also started to cut with a knife and also scissors.