Saturday, June 23, 2012

Euro 2012 Football

England, England....or is it Portugal, Portugal....or is it Hello matey I am a Pirate....
Yes it's football mega competition and both England (a surprise) and Portugal are through to the QuarterFinals. We do not expect them to ever meet as they would both need to make it to the Final.
I also have my local Belgium team...well I am not sure how many of us are actually Belgium but if we all take belgium nationality when we are 18, here is the future national team :-)
Here I am after Anais birthday party showing off my tatoo and Pirate eye. One more week of school. I got all smiley faces for my talk on "Travel" to the class (5 minutes....talked too quick but I did it :-))

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

School Year Photo

Yes, here we all are with Stéphanie our teacher...My best friend remains Anaël and we are having loads of fun. We have got better through the year and I am getting some weeks all green.