Saturday, February 11, 2012


Yes, Carnaval is back and it's still very cold (-10 deg in the morning, warmed up to -4 degC with a chill) the party at school was inside. I put my knight's clothing over my coat in case it was outside :-) I got to play games and get my piece of paper stamped so I could get one free cake....yummy. You think I only had one cake?
Mamã and I made fairy cakes Friday evening to take to the school. I did ALL the mixing and I put smarties and sugary cola bottles on top :-) I chose the sweets myself in the shop with mamã.  Here I am in front of our cakes on the left.
Do you like my "Guarding Post" pose in front of the school?
And my pose with Anaël before I throw the soft sock balls at the tins (my mamã decided to not add the photo of me with my familiar tongue sticking out as I focus :-))

Friday, February 03, 2012

First tooth Lost

Wow, I am so happy and so excited. My first tooth came out last night. I was eating some hard crusted bread and all of a sudden I had blood pouring out of my mouth and my tooth was loose and painful (oh, I shed quite some tears). Then I stuggled to eat dinner...felt poorly. I saw in front of Canal Panda TV and started to feel better. My mamã came and we were watching together when suddenly my mamã said "Tiago, your tooth has gone". Ooooohhhhh. Yeepeeeeee. I am now really a 6 year old :-)
But we could not find the tooth. We looked everywhere on the sofa, under the sofa, in the sofa, moved the sofa....Anyway my mamã said I had to be in bed by 9.00 and be good for the tooth fairy to come. I was in my room 9.03 and we had a story on the bed (so officially I was kind of in bed). Well, we wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy (which I signed) to say sorry about losing the tooth and I went off to sleep.
Also I am starting to read with my mamã the bedtime stories...We read 3 Billy Goats Gruff....I guess some words as I remember them, others I try to read etc...
And in the morning under my pillow was my note AND 1 EURO :-) So when I lose 5 teeth, I will have enough for buying a playmobil. I am so excited :-)
I look forward to showing my papá tonight when he comes back from the UK.

By the way, it was -10 degrees today (yep, minus 10)....I am trying to smile but also show off my missing tooth in this photo.