Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last day in the second Maternelle and time to say goodbye to my teacher Geraldine who has been my teacher for my first 2 years. Here I am in the classroom and you can see some of our activities behind my head. Summer will now begin....and I am off to meet Grandma and Ti'pah with mamã and papá in Calais on Saturday. I had two days of 'stage' and then we drove to Calais. We took Grandma and Ti'pah out for lunch by the fort of Calais...I saw fresh mussels and other fish coming out of the boat and being sold. We had a yummy lunch with very decorative plates. Then I was ready to go and excited to go on the big boat with Grandma and Ti'pah to England for 10 days. I got a new green car on the boat. Mamã went to USA and had to run across New York airport to get home on a different flight to spend the weekend with Papá.
I saw Lauren at Grandma and Ti'pah's house and had loads of fun playing different games and going to new swings/slides at the park near the house. Grandma took me back to Brussels by the train...she was very kind. I was so excited to see my mamã when we arrived :-).

Sunday, June 06, 2010

My castle bed

I have a new special bed and it is my castle...I am very happy with my new home - I sleep on top and I play underneath. I peer through the 'walls' for my bedtime stories and I can close my fortress walls to keep other people out :-)
I am also learning to write letters and words. I copy but I can already count and write 0-9 without any help (taught by my grandma). Here I am writing "dog, cat, leaf, water" with my mamã while papá is on an aeroplane to Dammam...