Sunday, September 30, 2012

40th + 10th

Party time - it's papá's 40th birthday and mamã and papá's 10th wedding anniversary. We had loads of friends and the close family come to celebrate. We celebrated all weekend and partied in the Old La Fermette - lots of food, drinks and cakes, chocolated....yummy. Stayed up to after midnight to celebrate papá's birthday with a cake with a picture of him as a small boy.

Mamã and I made chocolate little bags for everyone.
Look at all the wonderful cakes we made also with grandma and kids ate in 5 minutes all the small ones.

I love my mamã and papá very much.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Summer is over

Wow 2 months have passed and I now am starting to understand days, weeks, months and 365 days in a year. I spent a whole month in Portugal and England with the extended family. Had a wonderful time, playing, swimming, eating, playing, talking, reading....My reading has improved - I can read most things in french. I like to try a few things in english etc...I lost my 4th tooth in Porto while eating soup. I am 1.27m and waigh 27.3 kg. I love to make chocolate chip biscuits. I was happy that I could move from 1st to 2nd class and immediately went to buy all the pens, pencils, ruler etc for 2nd class. I got a gift of new rucksack etc...and here I am on my first day on 2nd class.