Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Family photos

My mamã wanted to share some more fun photos so here are family photos from over the last few weeks. Grandma and Ti'pah came to Brussels in June and also helped rebuild the front of our garden but mamã and papá wanted them to also enjoy some of the beglium summer activities too - we went to folk country festival next to the Atomium, new museum in Antwerp and with Ti'pah to Gentsefest.
Also in Porto, I loved going to the Saint festivities and seeing all the very welcoming, loving family. I am also enjoyed swimming - I swam the whole length of the pool without stopping not only once but many times + i dived and touched the bottom of the shallow to the deep end and I swam across the width holding my breath :-)
I also learnt to use chopsticks and wanted to use them at every meal time.
Enjoy :-)

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