Wow summer has been very busy with one week in England with Ti'pah and Grandma...Lauren also came to stay for a few days and Auntie Vicky came in and out to play and brought me a very fun frog neck pillow for all my international travelling. We went swimming, to the playground, shops and had a picnic plus played loads of cards and made lots of drawings (here I show one I made of the playground in Twyford). Then Tio Ricardo collected me from England and I spent one week in Porto before my parents cames to join for another week staying at Quinta da Mar and with V
ovô and Vovó. Rodrigo stayed most days and we went to the beach, played tennis, swimming, even went to the zoo and I had a parrot on my shoulder. I also saw Cars 2 at the cinema. One weekend we were in Vale Cambra visiting family and I played with my cousins esp Tomas and danced and danced to VERY late in the night :-) (as mamã and papá were not there :-)).