Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Chilling out

It's now been almost a day since I was born and I already start to feel a bit better. Daddy says I look like "a cute miniature Gollum" in the top picture, but I have no clue of what he means. I hope that's some kind of rock star, because that's how I feel with all this attention given to me. In the bottom picture you can see daddy & mummy celebrating my birth with a bit of champagne. They offered me some, but I refused since I am more of a vodka-orange kind of guy...
Anyway as promised some more info on my birth. I was born 8 days late, weighing 2,940 kg and 50 cm long. Apparently I was born "face up" rather than "face down", which is pretty unusual but hey, they never gave me any instructions... I also had the umbylical cord around my neck, and both things mean that I had a pretty tough birth (I came out a bit blue) and had to spend the night in an incubator so that I could be monitored and given a bit extra oxygen. Anyway today I feel much, much better, so they brought me to mummy's room, who by the way is doing very well.

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