Here we are in Paradisio visiting the parrots, seals and turtels. There were even giraffes in the ship. I am getting much better at making all the animal sounds.
I gave these flowers to my Mama - hmmmhmmmm - maybe not - she got them to celebrate 4 months early her 15 years at work. But don't tell anyone.
I say hello, bye bye and blow kisses on the phone when Mama or Papa call on the phone.
The month of visitors with Grandma and 'Teepah' in the Grand Place; Garfield in his car in the local shopping area in Stokkel and then Tia Claudia and Tio Ricardo when they came to see the new Aerosoles shoe shops.
I'm growing fast. The hair is still short but thickening out. I love to run. I am very good at building blocks. I now say "night night" and put my toys away.
The warm weather continues and look at my smile. I'm having so much fun with songs, stories and cars.